On this day-long urban retreat you are invited to slow down, gifting yourself moments of stillness and presence. A wonderful opportunity to come together with a group of Yogis to discover and reconnect to a space within us, radiating trust, joy, presence and kindness. To support us in this journey we will (re-)discover tools such as noble silence (mauna), meditation and asana.
We start the day with chanting and mindfulness-meditation practice. A playful asana practice brings us in contact with a sense of aliveness expressed through the body.
The afternoon will be dedicated to meditation practice cultivating the heart-focused qualities of compassion and loving kindness. A guided contemplation encourages us to sense and touch upon what is our innermost truth in order to align our intentions with this compass directed towards a meaningful life. We will close the day with chanting, letting the vibration of sound in our heart space be the reminder of that which is most essential for us, to carry it into our relationships with ourselves and others.
This event is offered by Michael Hamilton and Sabine Glück.