About me.
Yoga and mindfulness teacher. Therapist Essential Psychotherapy (in training). Co-directing cfm Center for Mindfulness.
I am practicing and studying the yogic and buddhist wisdom traditions since 2010. My love and commitment to the spiritual path influence my life and what I share as a teacher.
I am deeply grateful for my main teachers of Hatha and classical yoga, Richard Freeman & Mary Tayler, Michael Hamilton and Dough Keller as well as U Vivekananda and Baddhhamanika for their compassionate and wise guidance in the meditation practice.
MA in psychology and communication (University of Zurich). Certified MBSR teacher (cfm Center for Mindfulness, Zurich). Therapist in Essential Psychotherapy (Institute of Essential Psychotherapy, Hennef).
Together with my husband I live in a remote valley in Ticino Switzerland and regularly retreat for longer practice periods.